Holy crap! Who is running this army?

Funny stories from, and for, funny (looking) people!

Hmmm... coffee...

Just for those of you who are familiar with "The Prayer of Jabez" and its subsequent merchandise binge...

"Oh that you would bless me indeed and expand my new coffee franchise... and that extremely hot coffee would not cause pain"
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12:10 PM

Is this for real? I mean, is it a Christian-themed coffee bar? I used to want to open one, or at least find one to hang out in, but the whole "my business is my ministry" thing never sat well with me because I thought that if it is a ministry then you don't profit from it because you would be serving others without thought for return. Hmmm.    

4:21 PM

Honestly, I have no idea why they named it "Jabez" or if it indeed relates at all to the "Prayer of Jabez" (or such related merchandise). It could be named so because the owner likes the name. If you're intrested in figuring it out, it's in Surrey, BC. I might have time to go there next year when I finally move back there (in BC, but not Surrey).
As for your thoughts on business & ministry, I think that you could get by with serving others with a coffee bar. I mean, you could work for charity (and everyone needs a job - the Apostle Paul, for instance, was THE original "tentmaker"). It has been done, in fact I think I know of one around in Calgary. I guess it would depend on who you're trying to reach with the coffee bar idea and what context you're working in. (well, there's my little rant - I guess this education of mine pays off somewhat)    

4:24 PM

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4:27 PM

anywho, that wasn't a 'rant' per se
I could rant more about the subject of Christianity & Culture, but that's a different blog entirely.
My post about the coffee shop was mostly for random humour (especially for those of us who are cynical of "Christian merchandise")    

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