Holy crap! Who is running this army?

Funny stories from, and for, funny (looking) people!

Funny... wha?

So I was procrastinating (is that how you spell that?) from studying for a final exam that I have tomorrow morning when I came across some amazing thigns. Aparently Google has a video search built into it (Google Video). Well, you had to know that this is going to be amazing! Think of all the funny and random things that you could find! So I thought "what could be better then this to add to this Blog?"

I began my seach without searching at all. There it was infront of me "Diet Coke and Mentos Reaction". How could I resist! All I can say after watching it is "I want to try!" Soon I found other videos that we witty, comical, and even laughable. Eventualy I found this one, The Elipse, they are men after my own heart.

Finaly I remembered that I had once seen a comedian so funny that Doff and I made reference to him for the next 3 months. It took us a while to find out his name, as we missed the first and last 15 minutes of the show, but eventualy we found it. However even with his name we were unable to find his act that we had seen anywhere on the internet. We lost all hope.

But at long last, I have found him! His name is Russell Peters, and he's Canadian. There is some clips of his show here and more can be found through Google. I'm not sure if you'll find him as funny as I have, but if not then it's your fault, not mine!
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2:48 PM

"I laughed till I stopped"    

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