Holy crap! Who is running this army?

Funny stories from, and for, funny (looking) people!

Pillow talk... (no! not THAT kind of pillow talk!)

Friday, September 08, 2006
Ever try to talk to someone when they're asleep?
A roomate? Spouse? A parrot maybe?

Here's an actual conversation between a married couple (I'll try to find more as these stories become available):
(Awake spouse: A ; Sleeping spouse: S)

A: "I can't sleep... I've tried counting sheep... I counted 117."

S: "That's a lot of dragonflies."

A: "No, sheep."

S: "They look like dragonflies but they are really small."

A: "What? Sheep?"

S: "No. People."

Some great entertainment you can get from talking to a sleeping person, I guess.
Try it out.
Either on siblings, parents, friend, spouse, or even your pet parrot...
he's a red-capped parrot and his name is Jerky.

What post?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Ever get enough motivation to do something and then forget about it completely?

Well, I have been neglecting this blog for the summer, but I got some motivation to do something about that...

and now the big idea is lost.

So I leave you with a "last resort" item...

...or maybe it's not.