Holy crap! Who is running this army?

Funny stories from, and for, funny (looking) people!

Trees... make paper... paper does not make blog

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I am working on my new blog... here's a pic from it.
It's one painted by Donald Flather and it's of trees at Stanley Park, Vancover.

Still Piggybacking on Not Entirely My Blog

Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Well, it's been a while since the creation of this blog and ideas for it are running thin.
So far this is the only Blog I ever post to...

Should break from this dying vessel I create my own?

I think I'll still have new ideas for this one... and I'll keep posting here. I'll work (though not tirelessly or relentlessly) to keep this one alive...

But then again, there is the question of my own blog. I'm not really keen on blogging, though writing is one of my major interests. I am inspiriationally divided on this.
What use is a blog to me? What can I do with it? How can it benefit people who read it?
What will it's PURPOSE be?

These questions and others shall be answered. To this I hold. To this one hope I tether myself.

(there. there's my dramatic ending)

...to be continued

(yeah, and the suspense part - ooooh - that was a sarcastic "ooooh")