Holy crap! Who is running this army?

Funny stories from, and for, funny (looking) people!

Some Randomness via the Gravy Tray

Wednesday, June 08, 2005
My Tray
Oh Ye Ol Tray of the Grave'
I love thee until Deaths paths do I pave
No Seriously I lost my gravy tray and I'd like it back.
(did one of you guys take it?)
OH Gravy tray, Oh gravy TRAY!
I love thee, I love thee today...
I left thee alone atop a hill
All alone... are you there still?

Aw geeze... maybe I'll go look.
*leaves the room*

I still think it's a good idea

Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Alright, so that was a big flop. I was really hoping that this Blog was going to do better then it has, considering that no one has posted anything. But I still like the idea, and therefore I am going to leave it up just because. That and I spent a long time working on it to get it just right. I think the page looks good, and I hope that other do as well, but if they don't, well that's just fine then. So until I can come up with something random, or one of the other guys does, this is TTFN, ta-ta for now!