Holy crap! Who is running this army?

Funny stories from, and for, funny (looking) people!

The joy of randomness

Wednesday, April 27, 2005
As you will all soon come to realize I very much enjoy the way that people can be random, especial when its in everyday life. There is just something about the way that the human mind can go from thinking about one thing, to something else that is the opposite. I'm sure you all have experienced this in some fashion or another, and will agree with me that it is quite enjoyable. I've been trying to think of something that I can share with you that would be random enough for this blog, and then I realized that if I planed this blog too much it would loose it's randomness and with it, some of it's appeal (assuming there is any to begin with). And then I stumbled across one of the funniest and most random pages on the net that I've found in a long time. I'm not sure how long its been up, so most of you might already know of it's existence, but I didn't and thought that I should share it with the world.


Seriously, try it out. Some of the games are really good, some are just okay, but it was the idea behind it that made me think that it was awesome. I personally like the fact that they've combined a Yeti (a northern hemisphere concept) with penguins. Ingenious, simply ingenious!

Just the beginning

Saturday, April 23, 2005
I thought that since this was the start of a new Blog I would share with you the beginning of something else that I find awesome. This is just a sample of some of the funny funny stuff that the Rooster Teeth team as done with their series Red vs. Blue.

These are off the Season 1 DVD

Hooray for starting!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005
I have been inspired! I will start up another blog, but this one will have multiple authors and be used to tell amusing stories (could be fact or fictional), anecdotes, and just plain randomness, lets be honest about this, its going to be mostly random things that come to us at random times. I personaly think that I, along with some of my friends, can be quite random, and that those thoughts are extreamly funny (at least most the time anyway). I Don't know how well its going to work, but I thought it might be fun, I plan on laughing my butt off anyway. Now all I need to do some recruiting of my friends.

The title of this blog is a quote from a very funny online cartoon called Red vs. Blue. If you havn't heard of it then shame on you. But don't worry, I'll be bringing it up much more as this blog progresses.